i have been diagnosed with hsv 2. my life is over. can anyone help?
2010-11-10 04:31:54 UTC
i was recently diagnosed with hsv 2 and my life is ruined i dont see a way forward. i dont see me ever being able to have a relationship again. i was seeing a guy but i think i could have pasted it to him and i am devastated if i have. he is gettin checked but i cant life with passin it on. please help
Seventeen answers:
2010-11-10 04:44:47 UTC
It's hardly the end of the world, it just restricts you to ridged body and twin rear axle vehicles. It's true that more money can be made from driving articulated vehicles but many drivers make a comfortable living from their HGV 2.

Sorry to hear about the pox issues btw...
2016-08-31 19:46:42 UTC
2016-04-18 20:19:12 UTC
2016-10-07 01:38:04 UTC
2016-04-22 13:54:26 UTC
Then I think those guys are not very mature and I wouldn't want to date a guy that was just my friend any ways. You have to get to know some one a little bit better and tell them before things get intimate. Things do get better over time and life does go on. You should know condoms don't offer very good protection against herpes, they still leave a lot of skin left uncovered, all it takes is skin to skin contact during sex to spread it. Once you start to accept it, you can move on with your life. You're at what I like to call the "why me" stage this happens before you start to accept it. I went through that too, I'm the "good girl" of my family I didn't think any thing like this would happen to me, until I had a painful out break. I'm 10 years older then you and I have HSV too, for about 3 years now. It's more common then you think to have 1 in 5 people have HSV2. I have only had 4 partners and contracted it from my current boy friend. Life is not fair, but if these guys reject you then they are not ready or don't want to deal with some one that has herpes. They don't really love you if they reject you. If you really have trouble there are std dating sites out there, you can find some one who has the same std, that way you don't have to worry so much about passing it on. Once you get past accepting it, it really doesn't seam like a big deal herpes is just annoying to deal with. You're not screwed, you just made a mistake evey one makes mistakes in life.
2015-01-27 17:22:29 UTC
There are two types of herpes simplex virus: HSV-1 and HSV-2. Both virus types can cause sores around the mouth (herpes labialis) and on the genitals (genital herpes). Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV).

Cold sores sometimes called fever blisters, are groups of small blisters on the lip and around the mouth. The skin around the blisters is often red, swollen, and sore. The blisters may break open, leak a clear fluid, and then scab over after a few days. They usually heal in several days to 2 weeks.

The herpes simplex virus usually enters the body through a break in the skin around or inside the mouth. It is usually spread when a person touches a cold sore or touches infected fluid—such as from sharing eating utensils or razors, kissing an infected person, or touching that person's saliva. A parent who has a cold sore often spreads the infection to his or her child in this way. Cold sores can also be spread to other areas of the body.

Luckly there is a cure for herpes
2016-05-17 16:13:39 UTC
If you intend to learn to take a woman away from some guy who's definitely pointless, and how to turn that girl in to a partner then you need this manual to succeed.

With Tao of Badass boo you'll learn all the tell-tale signs a woman is really thinking about you and not only seeking to add yet another buddy to her list. It's once you know you have prevailed for making her involved that you get in for the kill.

With Tao of Badass eBook you can get the step-by-step process of slipping in passion for women, the first signals that she's putting you on “pal zone” and how to alter that, the 3 stage check girls subconsciously put you through, the 4 stage method girls use when choosing to rest with you, fascinating body gestures, good gestures and dominant body language and much more.
2015-02-18 15:53:28 UTC
I got diagnosed with herpes type 2 about seven years ago, when I was still in college and had a spupid one-night stand. I know a lot of girls will say this but I swear I never did that sort of thing. I jud made mistake that one time and, suddenly, it seemed like I was going to have to live with the consequences for the rest of my life. The worst part was feeling I could never date guys again. After all, who wants to go out with a girl who has sores around her you-know-what? But after a friend share this video everything has changed. Not only was I able to remove all traces of the herpes virus from my system in less than three weeks, but I was also able to start dating again. I even met the man of my dreams and I`m so blessed to write that just last week, in fornt of everyone in a crowded restaurant, he got down on one knee and proposed to me!! This program gave me back the change to be happy, and to experience true love. Now I want to help you share this the world.
2010-11-10 04:41:52 UTC
A few things. One is that your life is not over, it is simply changed. Even if you were to decide that abstinence is the only way forward, there is a lot more to life than just sex. Another thing is that you can now speak to young people and tell them condoms are no joke.. that you really can get an STD even from someone you think is "clean" or that you trust. And finally, there are now dating sites that are specifically for people who have herpes and other STDs that don't currently have a treatment. You could find someone that was a good match for you that is in your same situation already. Besides all that, the likelihood is that they will come up with an effective treatment in the next few years.
2010-11-10 08:45:28 UTC
You need real education, real support, from real people who have had this disease for many years and are dating, engaged, married, have children--and whose partners have remained HSV-free. They even help with "the telling," which is a hard thing for a lot of folks. You'll find info from folks in the medical and research field as well.

The first source below is an excellent education source about HSV--free, you can even download a pdf copy to read--free. It is produced by one of the most well-know STD clinics in the country.

The second is a link to a community of those dealing with HSV and over time they added other STDs. You will find a LOT of support, information, etc. You sign up anonymously to protect your identity--but EVERYTHING is free!

They are NOT SPAM! Time to educate yourself--and get information and support from people who REALLY know what they are talking about!
2010-11-10 06:53:20 UTC
NO your life isn't over. Herpes isn't life threatening but it can be emotionally rough to deal with when you're first diagnosed with it and it can make your love life more challenging. Millions of people with herpes manage to life normal long and healthy lives, some even get married and have healthy children. Once you get over your diagnosis and accept what's happening to you it gets easier to move on. Herpes is a contagious skin condition with a negative social stigma. It doesn't prevent you from living your life and there are people out there that can accept you for having herpes. Also there are worse things going on in the world then you having herpes.

I think you need to work on accepting your diagnosis and getting your confidence back. You know you're not going to pass herpes onto every partner you sleep with and there are things you can do to help prevent passing herpes onto your partners. If you're not seeing this guy any more then you really shouldn't be too worried about passing it onto him and try not to punish your self too much if you did.

I'm not going to give you one of those answers. Not going to tell you that it's all over when it's not.
2016-05-02 09:51:59 UTC
If you want to learn to have a girl from some guy who is definitely pointless, and how to turn that lady in to a girlfriend you then require that guide to succeed.

With Tao of Badass boo you'll learn all of the tell-tale signals a woman is truly enthusiastic about you and not merely looking to include yet another pal to her list. It's when you know you have succeeded in making her involved that you get set for the kill.

With Tao of Badass eBook you are certain to get the step-by-step procedure for slipping in love for girls, the early signals that she's placing you on “friend zone” and how to alter that, the 3 step test girls subconsciously put you through, the 4 step method women use when selecting to sleep with you, appealing body language, good body language and principal body language and much more.
2010-11-10 06:05:32 UTC
Your life is not yet over - genital herpes will not kill you it's just a really embarrassing thing to have to live with. And uncomfortable too. But certainly not life threatening. There are plenty of places to seek help and any STD clinic will be able to help you. I believe that there are specific clinics that focus on members of the homosexual community so perhaps you and your boyfriend can attend together. Above all, don't give up! Just be more careful next time.
2014-08-15 06:11:03 UTC

If you want to find the fastest way to get rid of herpes, you have to check this

2010-11-10 04:43:47 UTC
Your life is not over. You are not alone in this - please get some help with this. Your doctor can help you, give you advice and put you in touch with someone who can help, or you can see if there is an online forum for other sufferers so that you know you are not alone. Good luck and good health - and ignore any abusive answers on here - it is NOT your fault xx
2010-11-10 04:35:17 UTC
hsv 2 ? what is it ? AIDS ??? believe in god and keep believing . all will be well .
2010-11-10 04:42:08 UTC
yes your life is fucked now because you fucked and fucked it up

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