HIV is HIGHLY serious. I cannot express that enough how serious and how dangerous it is. Dangerous as in people not knowing their status, and infecting others and love ones with the disease.
I think it is a great way to test everyone and I wonder how it would turn out. HOWEVER, my main concern is those who are aware of their HIV status:
Are the ones who test positive are going to take matters into their hands to protect themselves as well as other others and try to get the help they need to stay healthy?
Are the ones who test negative will continue to practice safe sex?
What about the ones that test positive, I am sure the news is devastating, but would it change their behavior towards society? What can we do to comfort those who test HIV positive, without making them feel so bad for being HIV positive. The society fears that HIV+ people may be considered a threat to the community. Unfortunately, there is no way to considered of that being impossible, especially when we have reported cases of those who test HIV+ and infect others on purpose. How can we really prevent that?
BTW, There are over 1 million people living with HIV according to CDC. But there are those who have not been tested.
HIV is not "very" rare in the United States, as you are more likely to get Herpes/Genital Herpes virus than HIV, but the problem about HIV is people being aware of their health problems, but sometimes not knowing the cause. That is the scary part. People being carriers of the virus and constantly practicing unsafe sex. People who don't realize promiscious behaviors puts you at more of a HIGH RISK for HIV.
The only thing we can do is to promote HIV testings, I truly understand, but I don't think it will scare people. So, if it's not going to change people's behavior especially when they involve themselves in HIGH RISK behavior, why not make it mandatory? What is there to hide, really?
If you are so daredevil to sleep around or to practice unsafe sex without "fully commiting" in a monogamous relationship, then why not be daredevil to accept your status? That's how I feel.