Is it true that GAYS are the reason for AIDS?
2006-05-18 10:01:55 UTC
it is what i am learing in health..nothing personal...
54 answers:
2006-05-19 15:59:09 UTC
Wow some of these answers are scaring me.

AIDS is caused by a VIRUS - HIV - not by people.

Whoever it was that said its been around for a long time had it right - and we won't ever know for sure how and when it started.

Yes, it was first identified as a "gay man's disease," but obviously, or I thought obviously, we had moved beyond that.

And if its "punishment," then how do you explain babies becoming infected, and the people that were infected early on from blood transfusions, etc?

Come on people. Get logical here.

Viruses aren't punishments. Viruses and bacteria don't take personal inventories of those they infect. They just biologically do their thing, and that is to make people sick.

HIV isn't a punishment anymore than the common cold or the flu is.
2006-05-18 10:12:16 UTC

HIV has been around at least since the early 50's. Somewhere in North Africa, Egypt I believe, a blood sample taken in 1956 tested HIV positive several years ago. There also was a disease documented here in the United States during the 1950's that was commonly referred to as "White Blood Cell" disease, characterized by a complete failure of the immune system. While we cannot verify it, this could very well have been AIDS.

Since Watson & Crick discovered DNA in the early 1960's, the verified case from 1956 and the probable cases from the US in the 1960's clearly disprove the bogus claim that scientists invented the disease. To invent the disease, they would have simply blasted an existing (and yet undiscovered) retro-virus with radiation and hope that it mutated into something dangerous. The odds of that having would have been literally one in trillions, at best--that is, essentially impossible.

Records from slave traders in the 1700's describe a disease with outward symptoms that resemble AIDS. While we'll never know for sure, the disease may well have over 400 years of history in humans.

AIDS gets associated with gays largely because anal sex carries a far higher risk of trasmission for the disease than oral or vaginal sex, hence the disease is more prevalent in the gay population. But no, gays are not THE REASON for AIDS.
2006-05-18 10:05:54 UTC
I never really learned that in health. Well from what I understand, it was spreading pretty fast through the gay community. But then again women can get it too. I actually heard that it all started from a form of a chimpanzee a long time ago, but I don't think the source was reliable. I think Africa is where the Aids problem is. And I don't see how gays could be responsible for aids. I think your a lot more likely to get it if you are gay. But I don't know.
2006-05-18 10:08:48 UTC
It is good that you are asking this question - at one point in time, gays were solely to blame for the spread of AIDS - before it was known why AIDS spreads.

People who share needles - or blood, or seman, or any bodily fluids can spread AIDS - gay or straight.

How AIDS began - the theory is that it comes originally from monkeys - but I don't know if this is fact.

I think a large part of society wants to believe that gay people are being punished for who and what they are and that is why it is said that gay people are spreading AIDS.

Anyone who does not practice safer sex - male or female, straight or gay, bisexual, etc. can spread HIV+ and AIDS.

Always use a condom when you don't know your partner's sexual history.

Please feel free to ask more questions if you need on this.
2006-05-18 10:07:49 UTC
Yes it is a proven scientific fact. In 1977 a gay male flight attendant was caught having sweet sweet hot monkey love with a, well, a monkey in Nairobi Africa. He caught a STD from the monkey which does not usually occur in humans. Well it mutated and we now have AIDS. That flight attendant went next to boston where he was the back door man in a glory hole at a nigh club. No less than 37 different men used the glory hole that night. All of them got AIDS from him and they passed it on it turn. That my dear is how we got AIDS in this world and Yes virginia there is a Santa Claus.
2006-05-18 10:16:21 UTC
First of all, AIDS originated from a sub-Saharan African who had sex with a monkey, as most researchers believe, to eventually spread the epidemic disease.

Second of all, it's those people who acquired through unprotected sexual relations between HIV positive disconcordant couples. The share of needles using drugs. The unprotected receptive or unassertive of sexual acts.

Finally, gay people are not the reason for AIDS. Everybody can contract it, hence the straight individuals, Bisexuals and Lesbians.
2006-05-18 10:13:12 UTC
Yes, all us gays have advanced degrees in bio engineering and godly powers to shape the processes of evolution to do our biding; which is to plague a world that fears and hates us with an incurable disease. Mwahahaha

Heterosexual people were responsible for the plague. The first documented case was in a hetero sexual person. Hetero sexual people continued to go outside and talk to each other even have sex mind you (huh, gasp), even after the plague was a known concern. Thus hetero sexual people were the cause of the deaths of 3/4 of the european population.

Why are you not in your rubber room wrapped in plastic? It is a dangerous world out there, step outside you might break.
2006-05-18 10:08:42 UTC
The theory I heard was that truck drivers in Africa, while making deliveries through the countryside would occasionally get bitten by monkeys who had this weird virus that developed into AIDS. They, in turn, had sex with prostitutes who worked the truck stops and those prostitutes had sex with other men. A gay French airline steward supposedly had sex with one of these men, came to the U.S. and had sex with a man here and thus introduced AIDS to the U.S. Like I said, it's just one theory... It can't be a "gay" disease because straight people can catch it and die from it too. It could have just as easily have been a straight man who had sex with one of the female prostitues and brought the disease back here.
2016-11-14 03:02:45 UTC
AIDS became into first suggested 5 June 1981 (27 years in the past for the puzzling of counting) while the U.S. centers for ailment administration & Prevention recorded a cluster of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (now nevertheless categorised as PCP yet common to be led to via Pneumocystis jirovecii) in 5 gay adult males in la, California. This became into the commencing up of the AIDS pandemic, and the final time the ailment became into solely contemporary in homosexuals. It at as quickly as "jumped the fence" and contaminated abusers of puzzling drugs (via needle sharing) and heterosexual human beings. Now over 33 million human beings international-huge are contaminated, and the final public of those individuals are heterosexual. tell your buddy to awaken.
2006-05-18 10:08:06 UTC
No, gays are not the reason for AIDS. Gays and bisexuals did, however, cause much of the spread of AIDS in the US because of promiscuous sexuality and refusal to consider quarantining of early AIDS victims.
2006-05-18 10:04:33 UTC
A local legend states AIDS was started by an african tribesman having sex with a monkey. The spread of AIDS was first recognised in a gay male flight attendant who had rampant sex in many countries. So according to myth, it wasn't started by gays, but it was spread by gays.
2006-05-18 10:06:55 UTC
well the US patient zero (first american to have aids) was a gay airline attack that traveled frequently to the west coast of africa

but what caused the outbreak was probably the belgian congo's polio vaccination program. forieng scientists developing a polio vaccine routinely used chimpanzee blood and tissue to grow vaccines they injected into thousands of local villagers

rolling stone retracted the article but the author has defended his work and his theory is sound

should read his book. it's called "the river"
2006-05-18 10:06:14 UTC
Yes, it is a big part. There is a BIG bunch of people though, that don't want you to think so. Also, STD's, are spread from having unprotected sex with even one partner. You NEVER really know who has had sex with whom. Play it safe, and choose your partner WISELY. Also, having sex, can produce a baby, and once you do that, it is your responsibility. It is completely irresponsible to do something to cause a beating heart inside yourself or your girlfriend, only to have to stop it. All because you wanted some nookie nookie. That was a little soul. Ok I rambled......
2006-05-18 10:05:17 UTC
No, unprotected sex and dangerous lifestyles are responsible for AIDS. Everyone can get AIDS, not only homosexuals. They should not be teaching something so ridiculous about AIDS...Who wrote the text book?
2006-05-18 10:06:53 UTC
no it came from a man that was bitten by the green monkey that was carrying the aid virus . the virus was diliberatly injected into the monkey ,a bad experiment gone wrong
2006-05-18 10:04:13 UTC
It was unsafe sex practices that spread AIDS.

Since most people Gay or Straight didn't use protection it spread very fast.

Origin of HIV

Main article: AIDS origin

The AIDS epidemic was discovered June 18, 1981, when the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported a cluster of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (now classified as Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia) in five gay men in Los Angeles.[88] Originally dubbed GRID, or Gay-Related Immune Deficiency, health authorities soon realized that nearly half of the people identified with the syndrome were not gay. In 1982, the CDC introduced the term AIDS to describe the newly recognized syndrome.

Three of the earliest known instances of HIV infection are as follows:

A plasma sample taken in 1959 from an adult male living in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo.[89]

HIV found in tissue samples from an American teenager who died in St. Louis in 1969.

HIV found in tissue samples from a Norwegian sailor who died around 1976.

Two species of HIV infect humans: HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is more virulent and more easily transmitted. HIV-1 is the source of the majority of HIV infections throughout the world, while HIV-2 is less easily transmitted and is largely confined to West Africa.[90] Both HIV-1 and HIV-2 are of primate origin. The origin of HIV-1 is the Central Common Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes troglodytes). It is established that HIV-2 originated from the Sooty Mangabey (Cercocebus atys), an Old World monkey of Guinea Bissau, Gabon, and Cameroon.

Although a variety of theories exist explaining the transfer of HIV to humans, there is no widely accepted scientific consensus of any single hypothesis and the topic remains controversial. Freelance journalist Tom Curtis discussed one currently controversial possibility for the origin of HIV/AIDS in a 1992 Rolling Stone magazine article. He put forward what is now known as the OPV AIDS hypothesis, which suggests that AIDS was inadvertently caused in the late 1950s in the Belgian Congo by Hilary Koprowski's research into a polio vaccine.[91] Although subsequently retracted due to libel issues surrounding its claims, the Rolling Stone article motivated another freelance journalist, Edward Hooper, to probe more deeply into this subject. Hooper's research resulted in his publishing a 1999 book, The River, in which he alleged that an experimental oral polio vaccine prepared using chimpanzee kidney tissue was the route through which SIV crossed into humans to become HIV, thus starting the human AIDS pandemic.[92]


Alternative theories

Main article: AIDS reappraisal

A minority of scientists and activists question the connection between HIV and AIDS,[93] or the existence of HIV,[94] or the validity of current testing methods. These claims are met with resistance by, and often evoke frustration and hostility from, most of the scientific community, who accuse the dissidents of ignoring evidence in favour of HIV's role in AIDS, and irresponsibly posing a dangerous threat to public health by their continued activities.[95]

Some assert that the current mainstream approach to AIDS, based on HIV causation, has resulted in inaccurate diagnoses, psychological terror, toxic treatments, and a squandering of public funds. The debate and controversy regarding this issue from the early 1980s to the present has provoked heated emotions and passions from both sides.

A number of misconceptions have arisen surrounding HIV/AIDS. Three of the most common are that AIDS can spread through casual contact, that sexual intercourse with a virgin will cure AIDS, and that HIV can only infect gay men and drug users
2006-05-18 10:04:36 UTC
That is completely wrong, I'm not pro gay, in fact I don't like the dudes, but that's just a plain out lie, and hate doesn't help anybody.
2006-05-18 10:04:32 UTC
No, this is a lie. Talk to your health teacher and get the facts straigt (no pun intended) If he still proclaims this 1950's belief it is time to talk to the principal or dean.
2006-05-18 10:05:16 UTC
No and gay women have the least percentage of the disease than any other statistical group.

If you are learning that from a teacher then that teacher should be reported for miseducation.
2006-05-18 10:03:31 UTC
I don't believe it. I think Aids was created by scientist. An experiment gone wrong basically and they didn't know the effects it would have. JMO
2006-05-18 10:09:14 UTC
Of course not. How can anyone be responsible for a DISEASE? Saying that is another form of racism, fanatism.

It is not who, but what is the question.

These are a few facts...

* HIV infection existed at low levels for a long period of time in small tribal communities in Africa. The pool of available, uninfected individuals in such a community is simply too small. In addition, especially in small communities, sexually transmitted diseases seldom become epidemic. Multiple sexual partners would not be accepted in such communities, so transmission would be limited.

* Urbanization of this region of the world, particularly under British and French colonialism, brought young African males to the cities for education and to participate in the professions. The more relaxed morals of the urban setting bring the availability of multiple sexual partners and prostitution. In fact, prostitution was evidently created deliberately in certain circumstances to solve the problems of the separation of the urban professional men from their tribal families. Such events could furnish a a greater spread of HIV, enough to possibly create a 'base' of HIV positive individuals for future expansion.

* Western approaches to health care in urban Africa, including the extensive use of blood transfusions for the treatment of Malaria and the frequent use and reuse of hypodermics for everything from immunizations and antibiotics to vitamin injections (a common practice in Central Africa) would contribute to the growth of this epidemic.

* With urbanization came increased air travel and increased contact with other parts of the world and with other societies: government supported exchange programs in education, policy development, agriculture, and the arts; increasing economic and business ties; all possible conduits for an infective virus that is not visible in the early years after infection, although fully capable of being transmitted.

* When the virus arrived in Europe and in the United States, it was joined with two "cultural epidemics" that were instrumental in the rapid growth of the disease: the so-called sexual liberation movement, and the dramatic increase in recreational and addictive drug use. Multiple sexual partners and injection drug use (IDU) with shared needles are the two main ways to get this virus.

* As a final ecological twist, the virus arrived in America just as the sexual liberation shifted from the heterosexual to the homosexual community. As is often true, the disenfranchised are the last to receive the "benefits" of any societal change. So members of the gay community were the last to experience the open sexual freedom that occured in the twentieth century. The timing could not have been worse!

The growing gay liberation movement was especially visible and open in large coastal cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and Miami, with new "bath houses" opening almost monthly in the late 70's. The bath houses offered the gay community the opportunity for open and often excessive sexual activity.

The intense sexual activity of the bath houses was certainly one of the determinants of the epidemic in the United States. It diverted what was (and is) elsewhere in the world a heterosexual epidemic to one that was primarily (at first) a homosexual one in this country. (World wide, 75% of all HIV transmission is heterosexual.) The social and political consequences of that unusual beginning have significantly altered forever this country's response to the AIDS crisis. Since most of the early PWA's (persons with AIDS) were gay or were injection drug users in this country, it was unfortunately easy for some in our society to view the epidemic as a consequence of their socially unaccepted activities. This country's strange and complex preoccupation with sex and drugs again took its toll and the HIV epidemic took off at an unbelievable rate as governments, health care professionals, and the public in general closed its ears and eyes to the pleading of those public health officials who recognized that this was to be an epidemic for all life styles, all races, and all ages.
2006-05-18 10:07:07 UTC
No, theirs was the among the groups in which it spread rapidly because back then, when nobody knew about it, risky relations were just the way it was done.
2006-05-18 10:06:37 UTC
no, it got the "gay" stuck to it during the 70's.

it was called a gay disease. cause alot of gay men were dying of this new disease. but it wasn't because of gay people.

africa is in bad shape with aids, brazil also and its more than half are women.
2006-05-18 10:04:40 UTC
They are not the REASON for AIDS but that lifestyle obviously helps spread the disease.
2006-05-21 14:50:46 UTC
If that's what you're learning in health class then maybe you need a new teacher.
2006-05-18 10:05:16 UTC
no. Turns out that a guy did it with monkey coz he was desperate and he just went on doing it and aids formed
2006-05-18 10:04:30 UTC
No...tell your health teacher he/she is an idiot.

Who uses the word "gays" anymore to describe homosexuals?
2006-05-18 10:04:36 UTC

i really don't think a term like "GAYS" should be used. Maybe homosexual, but come on have a bit of class not to mention respect
2006-05-18 10:06:17 UTC
Some people think it was caused by an experiment with apes.... but I personnaly think it's a kind of punishisment from up there.....
2006-05-18 10:04:22 UTC
AIDS - Where Did AIDS Come From?

AIDS is an acronym for the disease called Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. More than 24 million people have lost their lives after falling prey to AIDS over last two decades (Please note that the number of deaths caused due to the disease might change). The disease has become most notorious of all the diseases and is spreading very fast among the people all over the world. Although there are many stories/guesses of how and from where the disease originated? HIV virus is strongly believed to be originated from Africa around 1940. According to stored records, the first known patient of AIDS disease was from one of the states of Africa in 1959 whose blood was stored in order to find out the possible cause of his death. In tests carried out, the blood is confirmed to contain AIDS virus.

It is believed that the HIV virus inherits its properties from a virus SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus), which is found in monkeys. The AIDS virus also has developed its own characteristics along with those which it inherits from SIV. The SIV virus has exactly same genetic structure as that of HIV and both the viruses are transmitted same way from one host to another. The SIV virus causes AIDS in monkeys and has exactly same effects on them but it does not show any such effect on humans, whereas HIV causes AIDS in humans but not in monkeys. There are again many interesting stories/guesses/hypothesis as how the HIV virus born from the SIV virus? And how SIV virus got mixed in the human blood?

The AIDS virus was first discovered around year 1980 in the United States. A group of young gay men and also some drug users; were getting ill often, and there was no trace of the disease that they were suffering from. Most of the diseases they were falling prey of were related to the immune system. As it was not known that how much time the disease takes to surface? And how the disease spreads? The virus of AIDS found new home for itself from one man to another in the same group and also those who came in sexual contact or used the same syringe which was used by infected person. After some months, people from the group began to die, the diseases which killed all those people, were some of the common diseases which affects human at much extent if they have a damaged immune system. The T cells, also known as CD4 cells which help human body in fighting with the diseases were found damaged and there level was lowered in the patients suffering from the mysterious disease. It was outbreak of the new disease and it was identified and named AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) in 1981. Doctors started research in order to find out the possible causes of the disease. First, it was not known whether AIDS was caused by viral infection or something else until two doctors Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo found the virus causing AIDS. The virus was named Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

Further in 1985, a blood test was formulated which helped in identifying if a person was carrying HIV. Since 1985, this blood test is used effectively for diagnosing HIV infection. Some more tests were also found to help in diagnosing the virus and the disease using the saliva and urine.

During first few years of the detection of the new disease AIDS, all the possible reasons of spread of the disease were unknown. This helped the disease spread from one infected person to another. Back in the decade of 60's, there were very rare chances of a disease spreading across continents or countries. It was possible only when one person traveled from one country to another and carried the disease knowingly or unknowingly. The spread of AIDS is also said to be related with the same situation. It is said that when flight attendants used to fly across the seas, they had many sex partners in almost all the countries they visited. This helped AIDS spread from Africa and allowed it to enter in America.

After few years, all the possible reasons which helps AIDS virus to spread from one person to another were revealed, such as blood transfusion from an infected person to a healthy person, sexual intercourse between infected person and a healthy person, use of syringe etc. Right from the time of outbreak of the virus, it has infected over 50 million people and killed about half of the same till today (The number of people infected and killed due to AIDS might change, as there is a huge difference in official and unofficial data). But the right cure for the virus has not yet been discovered.
Smiley Girl
2006-05-18 10:05:23 UTC
check out this website, it has a lot of information about the origin of AIDS.

also includes some theories...interesting read:
2006-05-18 10:06:19 UTC
No theyre not. AIDS came out of Africa
2006-05-18 19:33:43 UTC
no its not Aids is more in the gay community though
2006-05-18 10:07:45 UTC
Hell yeah, AIDS is from homosexual practices!!! And they spread it to straights as well, so now EVERYone has it.
2006-05-18 10:04:48 UTC
I heard it came from people having sex with monkeys in Africa.
2006-05-18 10:04:39 UTC
actually it was a bisexual canadian flight attendant (male) who is belived to have started the aids problem...
2006-05-18 10:04:35 UTC's actually a monkey and a gay man.
2006-05-18 10:05:28 UTC
2006-05-18 10:04:44 UTC
I don't know if they are what started it, but they are certainly causing and receiving them.
2006-05-18 10:04:27 UTC

I don't believe you - "learning in health" - I doubt it.
2006-05-18 10:04:29 UTC
No a virus is
That crazy dude
2006-05-18 10:04:28 UTC
nope, but they sure dont abstain from spreading it...
2006-05-18 10:03:33 UTC
Wrong....Monkeys in African....
2006-05-18 10:03:12 UTC
2006-05-18 10:04:38 UTC
2006-05-18 10:02:38 UTC
No its not.
2006-05-18 10:03:55 UTC
no, but yo mama is!
2006-05-21 10:50:43 UTC
2006-05-18 10:04:01 UTC
2006-05-18 10:03:45 UTC
no it's monkeys!
Diamond in the Rough
2006-05-18 10:04:38 UTC
2006-05-18 21:06:33 UTC
2006-05-18 10:03:49 UTC
2006-05-18 10:04:47 UTC
NO, NO, NO, NO, and NO!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.