Bare with me guys, I'm extremely nervous about contracting this illness. I want to go into a little bit more detail about my situation and any feedback I can get would be greatly appreciated. I have a few questions.
1. Does rash associated with ARS(seroconversion) present its self on the genitals as the initial symptom.
2. Does ARS start out mild and get worse as the weeks pass.
3. Is a home rapid oral test definitive at 6,7 and 10 weeks (negative)
4. Is there still a risk of contracting HIV from pre-ejactulate fluid.
5. Is skin sensitivity a sign of an HIV infection that was recently contracted.
Im also having vision issues seeing glittery spots occasionally, i feel like all my senses are heightened.
And my muscle weakness started 5 weeks ago and is getting worse.
One last thing does ARS rash last as long as 4 weeks.
I apologize for the long post im just extremely nervous about this.
I have been praying for forgiveness.
Answers would be much appreciated