I think my boyfriend gave me an STD. How can I confront him?
2006-03-30 21:45:12 UTC
At my last checkup the doc said I might have an STD that can affect fertility. I've only ever slept with my boyfriend, so there's no question where it came from (for me, anyway). I know he's had many other girls but he told me he'd been tested. I was tested when we first started seeing each other and was clean. I'm very upset because this could hurt my chances of having kids. How should I ask him to be tested again, and how can I find out if he cheated on me?
Eleven answers:
2006-03-30 21:50:27 UTC
First find out IF you have a STD and if so which one. If it is a curable STD then you fertility could improve with treatment. Also as someone who has been treated for infertility I can say that your doctor should not say your fertility is impaired without further testing. Get more information from your doctor first, before going to your boyfriend.
2006-03-30 21:51:59 UTC
You seem to have your facts in order. You need to tell him what has happened, and how he needs to be tested. If he gives you any kind of fight about it, get rid of him and his nasty lying azz.

The right and only thing he should do is say "ok I will get tested and then apologize for giving you an STD and fall on your mercies.

If he argues that you got it from someone else, that you must have already had it, or any other BS reason why he doesn't need to get tested he is a liar. He gave it to you and h is embarrassed that he has an STD and is busted.
2006-03-31 23:52:34 UTC
Well if he has an STD it doesn't mean he cheated on you. There is a possible chance he had it before and it just showed up on you. So just don't go accusin him of cheatin yet. A few STDs will not show up until later. Atleast you know who you got it from. Just ask him to go get tested tell him you went to the doc and tell him what he said and what it was and he can go get tested.
2016-03-13 14:07:04 UTC
Just because you ask your boyfriend about it does not automatically imply that you think he is cheating. Either of you could have had it before you even got together. You just need to calmly tell him about the situation. But are you sure it was from him... have you had any other partners in the past 6 months? Either way you need to make sure you talk to your boyfriend about it because if you get treated for it and he doesn't, the second you have sex again he will pass it right back to you. And there are free clinics you can go to get tested, try planned parenthood. But this is not an issue that should be taken lightly, I understand you're scared, my ex-fiance gave me chlamydia and I broke up with him for it. But you need to find out what it is and get it taken care of a.s.a.p, even if you do end up having to pay for it. Trust me it will be worth it to relieve your mind.
2006-03-30 21:50:08 UTC
Tell him you have an std. The proof is in the pudding. As for finding out if he cheated on you how will you ever know? If you dont trust him then you wont believe him whatever his answer is.
2006-04-01 17:11:45 UTC
first, ASK HIM. Remember, its your boy friend !!!! i supose he will answer you sincerely. May be (Like some people say in the answer in the up) he was the STD before, and result negative in the test, and he is not playing with you.

But, in the other hand, if he did not accept hes responsabilitie, well, thats another history..... Hope this can help u
2006-03-30 21:55:34 UTC
Well, if you had an std, and was treated, but he was not, than I guess about the time you say no to him, because he hasn't been treated for his std, well, that will prolly do it.
2006-04-03 00:27:46 UTC
come out and tell him the truth he is playing with your life and acts like he does not care tell him exactly what the doctor told you if he does not believe you get the papers from your doctor you know that you were clean and now you have a disease so you know that he cheated on you what more proof do you need
2006-03-30 21:53:52 UTC
Make a bath for him. When he gets in watch his balls. If the just sink to the floor of the bathtub he didn't cheat. If they kinda float then punch him.
2006-03-31 06:15:02 UTC
Ask him if he's been cheating first and then get into details with him.
2006-03-30 21:49:26 UTC
super glue his pecker to his stomach

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