How Do I Get an STD (STI)?
How Do I Get HIV?
Am I at Risk?
How Do I Protect Myself?
What if I Don't Have Any Symptoms?
STD's (STI's)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or STI's (Sexually Transmitted Infections) are infections that are transmitted through sexual contact. Two-thirds of all new STD infections occur among people 25 and younger. The most common STDs among college students are genital warts (human papilloma virus), chlamydia, and genital herpes.
STDs are generally divided into two categories, bacterial (i.e. gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis) and viral (i.e. genital warts, herpes, Hepatits, and HIV). Bacterial infections are relatively easy to cure if detected early. Viral infections are technically incurable but the symptoms are controllable if detected early.
The key to curing and treating STDs is EARLY DETECTION. STDs do not go away by themselves and if untreated can lead to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), infertility, cancer, neurological disorders or worse.
The most common STDs on college campuses are chlamydia, genital warts (also known as Human Papillomavirus) and genital herpes. Many people who are infected with these infections do not know it because either they are experiencing NO symptoms or they overlook the symptoms they are experiencing and disregarding the changes in their bodies. Seventy-five percent (75%) of women with chlamydia do not experience symptoms at all. Some signs and symptoms to look for may include (but are not limited to) burning or painful urination, itching, abnormal discharge, or presence of a lesion or sore. If you are sexually active, think about getting tested. Early detection and treatment of STDs can greatly reduce your chances of contracting other STDs and of developing long-term illnesses related to STDs, such as infertility, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, chronic pain, and maybe cancer.
For more thorough information on HIV or STD's contact Health Education Services on campus or check out the American Social Health Association
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How Do I Get an STD (STI)?
The most common STDs on college campuses are chlamydia, genital warts (also known as Human Papillomavirus) and genital herpes. Many people who are infected with these infections do not know it because either they are experiencing NO symptoms or they overlook the symptoms they are experiencing disregard the changes in their body. Seventy-five percent (75%) of women with chlamydia do not experience symptoms at all. Some signs and symptoms to look for include burning or painful urination, itching, abnormal discharge, or presence of a lesion or sore. However, it is important to see your healthcare provider whenever you notice a suspicious change in your health.
If you are sexually active, think about getting tested. Early detection and treatment of STDs can greatly reduce your chances of contracting other STDs and developing long-term illnesses related to STDs, such as infertility, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, chronic pain, and maybe cancer.
How STD's Are Transmitted
Vaginal, anal and oral sex.
Some are spread by just skin-skin contact (e.g. Genital warts, herpes, molluscum contagiosm).
Sharing needles of any kind (e.g. HIV, Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C).
For more thorough information on HIV or STD's contact Health Education Services on campus or check out the American Social Health Association
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The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the virus that causes AIDS. AIDS is a result of HIV infection. Half of all new HIV infections are among people 25 and younger and 25% are among people 20 and younger.
HIV is transmitted through blood, semen, vaginal fluid, and breast milk. HIV CAN be prevented and is NOT transmitted through casual contact (hugging, sharing an apartment, playing basketball, etc.).
The ONLY way to know if one is HIV infected is to receive an HIV antibody test. The test will effectively assess whether the person is infected or not. Please be aware that it takes the body approximately 3 - 6 months to develop enough antibodies to be detected on the HIV antibody test. For this reason, it is important to wait to be tested 3 - 6 months after the risk behavior (sharing needles of any kind, unprotected anal, oral or vaginal sex) in order to receive an accurate test result. Obviously, it is also important that the person not put him/herself at risk during this 3 - 6 month waiting period.
For more thorough information on HIV contact For more thorough information on HIV or STD's contact Health Education Services on campus or check out the American Social Health Association
For more thorough information on HIV or STD's contact Health Education Services on campus or check out the American Social Health Association
How Do I Get HIV?
Q: I had sex with another student I met the first weekend of school. Am I at risk HIV or other STDs just because I had sex one time?
A: Yes, even one encounter of vaginal, anal or oral sex with someone who is infected with Human Immunodeficency Virus (HIV) or another Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) can place you at risk for contracting these infections. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Anyone infected can live with HIV for years and not show any signs and symptoms of the disease. They may feel perfectly healthy as the virus is replicating in their body. Although they look and feel fine, they still have HIV and can transmit the virus to others. Being tested for HIV is the only way to know if you are infected.
How HIV is Transmitted:
Vaginal, anal or oral sex with an infected partner.
Man to woman, woman to man, man to man, woman to woman.
Through contact with blood, blood products or tissues of an infected person.
Sharing needles. IV drug use, steroids, ear & body piercing, body art, and insulin and blood sugar-testing equipment.
Mother to infant \During pregnancy, birth, or through breast milk.
Transfusion of HIV contaminated blood, blood products and body tissues. Since 1985, screening of all donors and blood and blood products has reduced the risk.
How HIV is NOT Transmitted:
Talking, shaking hands, or other casual contact.
Hugging or kissing (there is a minimal risk that deep kissing - "French kissing or Tongue kissing"- could lead to infection, if open sores are present on the lips, tongue, or mouth)
Touching walls, doorknobs, writing utensils, restrooms, computers, telephones.
Being bitten by mosquitoes, fleas, or other insects.
For more thorough information on HIV or STD's contact Health Education Services on campus or check out the American Social Health Association
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Am I at Risk?
A Downloadable Version of this Quiz
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) or Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) - Are You At Risk?
Check all that apply:
____ I have had vaginal, anal, or oral sex. (If no, skip to #10)
____ I have had vaginal, anal, or oral sex without a barrier (condom, dental dam, female condom, etc.)
____ I have been in a sexual relationship where either I or my partner was not monogamous (just having sex with each other).
____ I have been in a sexual relationship with someone who had previous sex partners.
____ I have had a condom break or slip off during sexual intercourse.
____ I have had a sexually transmitted disease.
____ I have had sex while drunk or high.
____ I have had sex in exchange for drugs or money.
____ I have had sex (anal, vaginal, or oral) with someone whose sexual history was unknown to me.
___ I have injected recreational drugs or steroids.
___ I have received a tattoo, piercing, or scarification and I am not sure if new needles, ink wells, equipment were used.
*If you marked "yes" to any of the above statements, you may have been at risk for contracting HIV and other STD's. To be sure, please strongly consider being tested.
For more thorough information on HIV or STD's contact Health Education Services on campus or check out the American Social Health Association
How Do I Protect Myself?
To Prevent STD's & HIV:
The most effective way to prevent you from contracting a STD or HIV is to abstain from anal, oral, or vaginal sex and abstain from sharing needles of any kind.
To lower your risk of contracting STD's or HIV:
Using latex barriers during oral vaginal or anal sex. Male condoms, Female condom, dental dam, gloves.
Maintaining a monogamous relationship.
Avoid sharing any type of needles.
Avoiding sexual encounters when under the influence of any drug or alcohol that impairs decision-making.
Get tested for STD’s & HIV, including your partner.
For more thorough information on HIV or STD's contact Health Education Services on campus or check out the American Social Health Association
What if I Don't Have Any Symptoms?
Q: If I don’t have symptoms is it possible that I could still have an STD?
A: If one engages in anal, oral or vaginal sex, she or he is at risk for contracting a sexually transmitted disease. Not all people with an STD experience symptoms or they may experience symptoms but mistake them for something else.Do not wait for a symptom to occur; get tested now. For example, some people may have STD-related symptoms but think these symptoms are a result of another illness or, common body change (i.e. skin rash, urinary tract infection, normal discharge or cold/flu).
Chlamydia, the most frequently reported communicable disease in the U.S., it is asymptomatic (no symp