That's exactly how I felt when I first got herpes. But then I met a nice guy who when I told him that I had the disease, he was willing to look passed it. He even educated himself on herpes & everything. When him & I have sex now we make sure that I'm not on an outbreak & always use condoms.
Of course, not every guy is going to be this way, most will probably be jerks, but you WILL find somebody who is going to care for you, herpes & all! (:
You honestly don't have to tell the person you're with that you have it, just don't have sex with him so early in the relationship & before you guys finally do take that step, and you feel like you can trust him sit down & talk to him about it.
I'm going to tell you the same thing my boyfriend told me:
Just because you're sick doesn't make you any different. You're still you no matter what's wrong with you. This isnt the best thing in the world, but it's also not the worst. It's not a very bad STD, if anything it's just a little inconvenienceĀ to your sex life, nothing more.
Cheer up, Hun. It's not the end of the world