How do you know if you have gonorrhea and chlamydia?
2006-04-11 23:41:49 UTC
What symptoms do you have when you have gonorrhea and chlamydia?
Eight answers:
2006-04-11 23:59:17 UTC
gonorrhea and chlamydia are2 different sexually transmitted diseases which usually present with similar symptome-painful passing of urine and later on discharge(whitish or yellowish).these infections can get complicated into epididymitis and pelvic inflammatory disease.the treatment an be same or different depending on the choice of antibiotics by your doctor.i would suggest Tab Ofloxacin 200 mg twice a day for ten days to be on the safer side although seven days is usually sufficient.also drink a lot of water so that the infection gets flushed out faster(dead bacteria and cell debris)
2006-04-12 04:39:22 UTC
Both gonorrhea and chlamydia can have asymptomatic symptoms which means no symptoms. The only way to know for sure is go to the doctor's and get tested.
2016-10-16 05:25:07 UTC
bypass decrease back to the document, or to a diverse healthcare expert workplace and get examined back, that is been 2 months that is a few thing small Like micro organism Vaginosis, that's purely an elementary an infection of too a lot of a certian micro organism in you. it would desire to be HPV that's a deadly disease that could reason cervical maximum cancers and there are various lines of HPV yet is going left out by using no signs and indicators. men many times are distributors and don't comprehend it and have no symptons of the Virus. Do you have any Itching, redness, iritation? Disacharge, weird and wonderful smell? STI's are not continually exhibiting up with symptons. i think of Chlamydia could be interior the device for years earlier you may observe it there. they are asserting that is Silent Killer, and could make you infertile for existence if no longer dealt with. i might touch the healthcare expert back and notice if a attempt could be finished back. attempt no longer Too Freak out until they have finished answer and remember approximately to get a 2nd Opinion. medical doctors are basically a time-honored guy who went to scientific college to furnish us his ultimate knowledgeable wager....... His wager!
2006-04-18 22:58:57 UTC
With Chlamydia you bleed a little, with GONORRHEA you don't. They both f*ck your insides up. If you're discharging alot, and in constant pain.... its time to go get those antibiotics!
2006-04-12 09:16:26 UTC
Yea, since this two STD have cure, is better go and check it out. Faster is better
2006-04-12 05:47:58 UTC
If you think you have either get to your gum clinic asap, the quicker you get treatment for it the better.
2006-04-11 23:50:17 UTC
2006-04-11 23:45:32 UTC
They have same symptoms.

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