how big a deal is a std?
johnny w
2008-03-11 17:21:19 UTC
i just read that 1 in 4 women have a std... so it can't be that bad, right? i mean, everybody seems to get around just fine
48 answers:
2008-03-11 17:26:06 UTC

It is a HUGE deal... It is just that too many people are pricks and don't TELL their partners that they have something... so then they unknowingly pass it on...

Cancer, HIV, Syphilis...

There are a LOT of STD's that can KILL YOU.

Not to mention making both women and men unable to have children...

Or, if they do have kids, the mother can pass it along to the baby and cause it HUGE problems!!!!!!

It is NOT a small thing...

It is just that people are too ashamed to TALK ABOUT IT!
2008-03-11 17:28:28 UTC
Wrong. It is a big deal.The reason that 1 in 4 women have an STD is because it HASN'T been treated like a big deal.

However, remember that sometimes sh*t happens- maybe someone accidentally got the STD through a cheating boyfriend/girlfriend. So they're not automatically a bad person if they got an STD. A lot of STDs can be controlled through medicine, and you can still have a healthy sexual relationship if your partner has an STD. Just be responsible.

But it still is a big deal if you don't TELL your partner you have one. Also, some STDs can make women sterile, or cause greater health problems, like upping the risk of cervical cancers.
2008-03-11 17:49:44 UTC
There out there in the biggest way, herpes-HSV/warts-HPV-are like catching the flu..... they say 50% of the popilation have an std. But most stds are managable and curable and treatable. Life is to short to worry!

I dare say you have writen this question because you have an std and worry your the only one that has it because you don't know anyone who has one. People do not talk about it to there friends incase of judgement or fear they will tell people. I have HSV had it for 10 years and thought I would never find anyone never have kids never be loved but really I was afraid I would never feel love for myself or feel like I was worth loving.

An std is what you have not what you are!!!

I have a wonderful loving partner soon to be husband and have the best and most beauitful boy who will be 1 next month and we are trying to have another.... life goes on....Im not saying its easy.. Life can be hard but only as hard as we let it..Now if only I can take some of my own advice..

Don't have unprotected sex and even them you could still catch something--ABSANE--or even better go out and have your foreplay(ie dance with guys have fun flirt etc) and come home to the best vibrator in the world....
2008-03-11 17:41:37 UTC
std is a big deal, most are curable, but if not detected, and treated early, stds can have long-term health consequences ie. fertility problems in women. Not to mention if someone has an std they can spread the thing around to other people. In short, it's a big deal.
2008-03-11 17:28:41 UTC
Well I had Gonorrhea when I was pregnant ( the guy I was with was sleeping around) . Gonorrhea is curable with anti-biotics as its a bacterial infection and not viral.Herpes is a viral infection its treatable but not curable - it will be with you until the day you die.Some are very fatal if not treated - aids and syphilis but all if not treated lead to complications.Gonorrhea can cause blindness in babies and sterilization via inflammation in men and women.

Yes they are a big deal, sad that they are on the rise. Just because someone doesn't look sick doesn't mean they aren't. Some of those things don't show classic symptoms and people won't always be so candid with you.
2008-03-11 17:24:00 UTC shouldn't look at it so lightly. If you do, soon that statistic will be 4 in every 4 women have STDs. Be careful. Some STDs are just painful, and some are deadly. Either way an STD is not something you want....I'd hope.
2008-03-11 17:27:10 UTC
To me it would always be a big deal! I wouldn't want one no matter what kind it was, but there are STDs out there with NO CURE and if that's not a big deal for you, what about the STDs that just kill you?
2008-03-11 17:25:06 UTC
A sexually transmitted disease (STD) or venereal disease (VD), is an illness that has a significant probability of transmission between humans or animals by means of sexual contact, including vaginal intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex. Increasingly, the term sexually transmitted infection (STI) is used, as it has a broader range of meaning; a person may be infected, and may potentially infect others, without showing signs of disease. Some STIs can also be transmitted via the needles used in IV drug use, as well as through childbirth or breastfeeding. Sexually transmitted infections have been well known for hundreds of years.

Until the 1990s, such afflictions were commonly known as venereal diseases: Veneris is the Latin genitive (possessive) form of the name Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Social disease was another euphemism. Public health officials originally introduced the term sexually transmitted infection, which clinicians are increasingly using alongside the term sexually transmitted disease in order to distinguish it from the former. According to, "Sometimes the terms STI and STD are used interchangeably. This can be confusing and not always accurate, so it helps first to understand the difference between infection and disease. Infection simply means that a germ — virus, bacteria, or parasite — that can cause disease or sickness is present inside a person’s body. An infected person does not necessarily have any symptoms or signs that the virus or bacteria is actually hurting his or her body; they do not necessarily feel sick. A disease means that the infection is actually causing the infected person to feel sick, or to notice something is wrong. For this reason, the term STI — which refers to infection with any germ that can cause an STD, even if the infected person has no symptoms — is a much broader term than STD." The distinction being made, however, is closer to that between a colonization and an infection, rather than between an infection and a disease.

Specifically, the term STD refers only to infections that are causing symptoms. Because most of the time people do not know that they are infected with an STD until they start showing symptoms of disease, most people use the term STD, even though the term STI is also appropriate in many cases.

Moreover, the term sexually transmissible disease is sometimes used since it is less restrictive in consideration of other factors or means of transmission. For instance, meningitis is transmissible by means of sexual contact but is not labeled as an STI because sexual contact is not the primary vector for the pathogens that cause meningitis. This discrepancy is addressed by the probability of infection by means other than sexual contact. In general, an STI is an infection that has a negligible probability of transmission by means other than sexual contact, but has a realistic means of transmission by sexual contact (more sophisticated means — blood transfusion, sharing of hypodermic needles —are not taken into account). Thus, one may presume that, if a person is infected with an STI, e.g., chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, it was transmitted to him/her by means of sexual contact
2008-03-11 17:24:35 UTC
They almost certainly took a terrible sample poll, and have a terrible conclusion.

There's no possible way that 25% of women have an STD..

And most STDs are a big deal.
Helen Scott
2008-03-11 17:24:27 UTC
I think it's a big deal....women have enough problems with their bodies without the addition of an STD. (Oh yeah, I guess the correct term now is STI, NOT std?)
The Great One
2008-03-11 17:24:12 UTC
It's a big deal, but the thing is that most women don't even know they have an STD.
Joe S
2008-03-11 17:24:47 UTC
Most of the women I know can't drive a std. They prefer automatics. I personally enjoy shifting gears in a std.shift car.
2008-03-11 17:23:47 UTC
It depends on the STD, I have a feeling. A deadly one would be awful. A painful one would be the next worst.

Then there's the sense of responsibility--don't want to give it to anyone, right? Too bad the person you got it from didn't feel that way.

Shame? Maybe. How many men have one? You don't quote that statistic. It would have been nice to see just for the sake of fairness.
2008-03-11 17:23:56 UTC
There are different kinds. Some are no big deal. Some are lethal. It depends on the STD
2008-03-11 17:24:24 UTC
Ya...I just read that as well. First off...dont buy into that article. Its way biased. Second...if you do have an std, it is a big deal and needs attention if possible.
2008-03-11 17:24:15 UTC
i read that too although i also read that most/many std's also can cause infertility later in life, and some people have std's and don't even know until its too late... once you have an std you can't get rid of it at least most of themm

hope this helps!
2008-03-11 17:24:28 UTC
i'd say they're pretty bad. 1. it just goes to show you may not take care of yourself. 2. you can spread them to others which is really bad. 3. people here you have an STD, they're just like ew. and dont wanna be near you. just because a lot of women may have one, doesnt make them okay. if you've got one.. id say see a doctor.
2008-03-11 17:24:30 UTC
oh yeah! i JUST saw that on the news today

yeah it actually is that bad

some stds can lead to death, such as aids.

and a lot of people actually do have stds, and a lot don't actually know about it right away.
*Amanda Leigh*
2008-03-11 17:24:01 UTC
yeah honey any std is bad. seriously. and most of the women who have them dont even know that they do. thats why its important to protect yourself and get tested. dont be ignorant.

one in four is a lot. think about it. out of four of your closest friends, one of you have an std. does that make you understand any better?
2008-03-11 17:24:30 UTC
It depends on WHAT STD you have. AIDS is also an STD. The POINT of the article was the particular one that causes cervical cancer..............yes, it is a big deal.............and very very sad.
2008-03-11 17:32:25 UTC
All STD's are a big deal. Whether they are curable or not.

Use condoms, and you'll never have to wonder.
2008-03-11 17:24:14 UTC
Certain STDs are fatal and others can make you sterile. I'd say they're a pretty big deal.
2008-03-11 17:24:06 UTC
Yeah, but it's still a big deal,

because it is still an STD.
2008-03-11 17:24:04 UTC
Statistics are so stupid, they just make it seem like a lot of people have it. But the main thing is that people dont tell any one that they have it so probably that is right but it is a big deal. you can die from it.
2008-03-11 17:25:45 UTC
it depends on what std it is.. some have worse symptoms..

and a lot of std's r treatable by medication so maybe that's why they don't seem so bad..
2008-03-11 17:29:16 UTC
Most STDs are curable. A serious STD is not very common, but becoming more and more common.
2008-03-11 17:25:55 UTC
i know i saw that on msn and its highschool girls every 1 out of four thats seriously crazy

im in highschool

but that is weird STDs can seriously effect ur life
2008-03-11 17:24:24 UTC
emotionally, and sometimes physically they are a problem, i don't think 1 in 4 necisarily, but maybe 1 in 4 who are sexually active? some stds cause gross stuff on your genitals and stuff..its nasty.
2008-03-11 17:24:43 UTC
Most are curable with antibiotics, but some, like herpes and hepatitis and HIV, cannot be cured. Those are more serious.

The seriousness comes when they are untreated. Untreated HPV can cause cervical cancer and untreated chlamydia and gonorrhea can make you sterile.
2008-03-11 17:23:47 UTC
some STD kills you and some could ruin your life. Some could take away all your hair or have blood or other body function problems.
2008-03-11 17:24:54 UTC
Just because people act like there OK and get around doesn't mean they are. SO JUST BE CAREFUL!!!! Some things you don't get ride of....
2008-03-11 17:25:30 UTC
the statistic was 1 in 4 teenage american girls. not women.
2008-03-11 17:23:56 UTC
It's not okay! It get passes to anyone that comes in contact with it and you are stuck with it for the rest of your life. It's a disease, no disease is good.
2008-03-11 17:25:18 UTC
a BIG DEAL without a doubt. Where did you read that?
2008-03-11 17:24:41 UTC
umm... i think it is a big deal because they are embarrassing and many times very irritating and painful during outbreaks. so it is a big deal if you want to keep your options oopen for marraige.
la buena bruja
2008-03-11 17:23:43 UTC
I would not want to have one! It is a big deal, especial if you get one that can't be cured.
2008-03-11 17:24:39 UTC
That is a scary statistic! It's a big deal if you have one that can't be cured!!!
2008-03-11 17:25:05 UTC
depends which one you have. some of them are an inconvenience, some of them effect your fertility, some have no symptoms until it's too late. some of them can make you insane (literally) and a couple of them can actually kill you.

2008-03-11 17:26:01 UTC
its a big deal, because everyone is getting one.
2008-03-12 20:42:32 UTC
Big enough to definitely not want to have it.
2008-03-11 17:31:18 UTC
um! yea! itz bad. cuz alot off ppl r getting them.
2008-03-11 17:25:13 UTC
they kill!! it has a lytic cycle meaning you have it and once it wakes up it begins to kill you!!! ahhh!! they are HORRIBLE!! if people could chose to kill themselves a better way life would be better! but what are yougoing to do?
2008-03-11 17:24:25 UTC
THAT is exactly the problem --people are "getting around" too good.
2008-03-11 17:24:48 UTC
Its not a big deal. I constantly spread venereal diseases to my partners. I mean, they usually don't realize it until a few months later, but - you get the picture.

Its not a big deal. No one has complained to me about getting one before. Mine don't bother me. They are a part of who I am.
Curly girly
2008-03-11 17:24:11 UTC
haha its bad. sorry =[ not fun to have im guessing [dont have one but wouldnt want one] its a disease! haha ick =P
2008-03-11 17:24:05 UTC
obvisly you are tooooooooooo young,ask you parents about this not people on the internet!!!!
2008-03-11 17:23:56 UTC
It matters how serious it is...if its herpes, you will live with medication. you wont die...

But if its aids you will die.
2008-03-11 17:25:47 UTC
it can kill you

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