Unless you have the most amazing doctor in the world with the most amazing & least bogged down lab ................you don't get negative test results.
You go get tested and the procedure is that IF you have something the clinic will contact you. There is no contacting you for negative test results. Unless you have a super awesome doctor that actually takes the time. Most facilities & labs are so bogged down that its easier for them to just trash negative results and only take responsibility for reporting the positive ones.
However using common sense one would guess that with this particular system in place there's allot of room for error. Samples get mixed up, lost, or not tested. Same thing can happen to test results. I mean you're relying on the people at your doctor's office, who ever transports samples between the clinic & lab, and lab technicians all to do their job. For them their job is the same as any other 9-5 grind. They get tired, they get bored, they stop caring on some days, people cut corners. We've all seen it at work and it happens every where. The point is that testing is better than not testing, but its not infallible.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases are transmitted through bodily fluids coming into contact with your body, and/or skin on skin contact. The way it works is that bacteria, protozoans, or viruses can enter your body through your mouth, anus, urinary tract, vagina, or tiny microscopic skin abrasions. (basically an hole or crack) Abrasions can be a results of skin irritation or say especially the friction on the skin of the penis during penetrative sex.
Having sex doesn't really create diseases its just a way to transmit an illness one already has. You can also give your partner the flu during sex. It's just that intimate contact provides the perfect opportunity for sickness to jump from one person to another.
There are also infections that women are especially prone to that aren't necessarily STDs / STIs, but they are frequently caused by sex. The four most common of these are Urinary Tract Infections, Bladder Infections, Bacterial Vaginosis, and Yeast Infections. The way a woman's body is made makes it very easy for bacteria to get shoved into her urinary system during sex. Also the vagina maintains a very specific environment of + and - bacteria to protect her body. The pH level or acidity of her vagina is very important to maintaining the balance of bacteria & naturally occurring yeast. Unfortunately sex is like the easiest way to upset vaginal pH and throw everything off. The best way to combat this is to guess what? ......WEAR a CONDOM.
♦Condoms are sanitary, lubricated, and smooth = very vagina friendly♦
Sex is risky because of the possible consequences. That's why its considered an adult activity. You have to be prepared to deal with the risks. Adults have to do their best risk management to protect themselves & the ones they love (or have sex with.) If both people are STD free, in a monogamous relationship, and want to have children ........that's best & safest situation in which to ditch condoms.
Any Sex Educator will tell you there is no such thing as safe sex. Just safeR sex. That's the best you can do. Is make it as safe as possible for you & your partner.