I only have one bump on my genitals. Could this be genital herpes?
2006-01-26 02:11:44 UTC
I think could have genital herpes. I have one bump on my vulva area (outer lips) it is itchy and hurts when i touch it. It doesnt leak or anything and it just went way with out breaking open and crusting over. I dont have other symptoms with it. I was wondering if this could be genital herpes. I have an appointment with my doctor soon but the sore already went away. I am currently deployed over seas with the military so i could see a doctor any sooner. Does anyone have any ideas. thanks for your help.
Two answers:
2006-01-26 22:19:50 UTC
I concur with bike compass with the exception that you COULD have genital herpes and should be tested. The blood test takes only 2 days for results to come back. They can also test the lesion, when present. You CAN infect others even if you do not have a visible lesion (bump).
2006-01-26 03:53:23 UTC
It's very unlikely that a single bump is herpes. Herpes appears as a cluster of shallow ulcers. There should not be a bumpy feel to them. A bump could be a wart or just an irritated gland that healed on it's own . If you are worried about herpes, you can still have a blood test to see if you carry HSV2. This is called herpes simplex antibody test. It will tell you if you have type 1 (oral) and if you have type 2(genital). It would be good to have your doctor examine you closely to be sure there are no other bumps deep inside the vagina where you cannot see them, and also make sure your pap smear is normal.

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