Whatever smell your vagina has may be perfectly normal and healthy and natural. If you have noticed a change recently, or also have a new and different discharge or redness, etc., you need to see a doc to check for problems. Trying to get rid of normal vaginal odors is a bad idea, and may harm your health. Beyond that, wearing all-cotton underwear is a good idea!
2006-01-22 23:14:08 UTC
The vagina odour is natural and many men like me love the aroma which is a arousal stimulant. Try using normal douching using warm water with few drops of vinegar, hope it helps. If it persist, suggest you see a doc.
2006-01-24 00:01:40 UTC
By washing it properly with a mild soap.....you should smell good after taking shower....But if you still smell fishy then see a doctor for that yeast infection.
2006-01-23 07:43:03 UTC
mix a half cup of lemon juice in 3 cups of warm water and scrub your smelly pie really well. then sqiurt this mix inside to rinse out all the smeelt stuff